Rabu, 30 September 2015

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Singkat

                Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
            Dear Mr. Mursito and all my friends, thank you for give us a while of time for told about somethings. The first of all, let’s give thanks to God who give us opportunity to meet in this room.
Ladies and Gentelmen who I respect
            In this opportunity, we are going to discuss about dating for students. Certainly, dating for students is familiar for us. In this future, many students have to dating. Therefore, there is an opinion that dating for students is very profitable, ‘cause it can help student for study. They who are dating are enjoyable to study together with their partner. With the result that dating for students will support the academic.
Ladies and gentelmen who I respect
            Dating for students have negatif side too. That is burden the friends. That’s mean, someone who have dating will always told her/his feeling about their partner when their partner is curious. The students who have dating will ask about the solution of their problems too, with unknowingly the friend’s feeling.the students who have dating is more priority her/his feeling than the friend’s feeling who one flooded about the student’s feeling, while the friends have many problems.
            And therefore dating for students is allowed but not too much, and not make many problems. So for my beloved friends who wants to dating is allowed foy you, but you must have many achievement, so you are not regret in the future.

            Not much to say today, just a few words on top of that I can offer you today, thank you very much for your attention and forgive me for my mistakes, and I say Wasalamu’alikum Wr. Wb.

hai hai....,,, mimin balik lagi nih. Kali ini lagi mau serius,, jadi bahasnya kayak gini deh. Hmhm, sebenarnya nggak sih. Cuma ada tugas dari sekolah aja, terus ya udahlah post aja daripada kosong banget nih blog.
Yak sekian aja chit chat dari mimin
Ja mata di next posting
Thanx for reading ^^

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